How Google & Salesforce Benefit From Strong EB & EVP
How HubSpot & Airbnb Create Employee Value Proposition
How Uber and Autodesk leverage Employer Brand
How Microsoft and Hubspot do Recruitment Marketing
Certified Employer Branding Expert
Unlock your talent-sourcing potential and learn how to fuel your career’s rise. Get adept with the best strategies to source top-tier candidates that will increase hiring impact and ultimately help your company thrive in today’s dynamic world. Stand out ahead of your peers with these invaluable skills. Be the 10x recruiter who hires the best talent available in the market!
1. Transition to automated sourcing – powered by AI algorithm. This enables you to match the right candidates to the right job at scale, saving time and effort.
2.Post job listings to get the right candidate pool that matches the right job functions and skills for your candidate search. Learn best practices to attract candidates for a job.
3.Learn how to engage with both active and passive candidates and get maximum responses. Understand the approach and strategies to attract the best candidates.
4. Amplify your sourcing skills – Learn how to import candidates from LinkedIn, GitHub, and other job boards in a single click. Avoid repetitive actions and halve your workload.
5. Automate candidate pre-screening – Learn the various benefits of InstaScreen to reduce pre-screening efforts and keep your talent pipeline packed with engaged candidates.
Get ready to source the best talent in the fastest TAT with Instahyre! Your certificate awaits you!
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